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Pool Installation Gold Coast


 Muriatic acid works well for removing stains on gunite pools, but it’s too harsh for vinyl liners. Instead, look for a cleanser that’s specially formulated for vinyl pools.

 Of course, whether you’re using it to balance your pool water or keep your swimming pool free of stains, the most important thing to remember about muriatic acid is safety.

 Is muriatic acid dangerous? Like any other swimming pool chemical, it can be harmful if not used as directed. But as long as you follow proper safety procedures, there’s nothing to worry about.

 If you do get muriatic acid on your skin, wash the area with clean water right away (it’s a good idea to keep a garden hose or a bucket of clean water nearby).

 When it comes to swimming pool maintenance, muriatic acid keeps your water balanced and your chemistry in check. And when everything is in balance, you’ll spend less time scrubbing algae -- and you’ll have more time to enjoy your pool.

 pH is the term used to refer to the degree of activity of an acid or base (alkali) in the water. It is the most important chemical factor to be maintained in swimming pools. pH is measured on a scale from O to 14 with 7 being neutral. Pool water pH is best when kept in the range of 2 to

 A value of 7 to 14 is considered basic with 14 being the greatest base activity. Another word for basic is alkaline; however, this is not to be confused with total alkalinity. pH and total alkalinity are not the same but can be influenced by each other.

 A pH value between 0 and 7 is considered acidic with 0 being the greatest acid activity and getting weaker as it approaches a value of When pH remains below 2, the water is considered to be corrosive. This means etching of plaster and metals in equipment such as heat exchangers will result. In addition, it is more difficult to keep chlorine in the pool because while more effective as a sanitizer at the low pH, chlorine is also much less stable resulting in the consumption of larger quantities of chlorine than would be used at normal pH levels.

 Maintaining the pH higher than 8 will increase the tendency to form scale or cloudy water. Calcium, the major component in scale, is a relatively unstable mineral and when the pH is high, the calcium is not as soluble and it will have a greater tendency to precipitate or "fall out" of solution resulting in cloudiness or scale. High pH will also reduce chlorine effectiveness resulting in the need to maintain higher chlorine levels to achieve maximum sanitization.

 If the pH is low, a pH increaser is added to raise the pH. If the pH is high, pH Down is used. pH Down comes in two forms: liquid acid or dry acid.

 Changes in the pH of pool water can be caused by many factors but one of the most significant causes is the sanitizer used. Since the sanitizer is the most frequently added chemical in pools, it can have a powerful impact on pH and overall water quality.

 Of the sanitizers typically used in pools, chlorine is the most common. Chlorine comes in a variety of forms and varies widely in pH. For example, most tableted forms of chlorine have a very low pH and will tend to lower pH over time, while liquid chlorine is very high in pH and will tend to raise pH values. Salt is also very alkaline and will require frequent additions of acid to maintain the proper pH and overall water balance.

 The first thing to work out is how much energy your pool requires per day to run. Did you know that if you have a standard single speed pool pump it uses a lot of electricity to run? Most pool pumps for an average size pools are 1-2 Hp which equates to 700-1400watts. If you have solar heating on your roof (These are different to solar panels), then you probably also have a 0.5hp pump running (300-400watts) in order to pull the water up to your roof (through the heating tubes) and back into your pool (solar heating is therefore not free).Then add a controller and chlorinator which will add a further 200-300watts. Running these for hours a day can add thousands to your yearly electricity bill.

 Depending on the size of pool most companies recommend running 4-6 hours in winter and 8-12 hour in summer. So based on the above power figures for a larger pool running a 2 Hp filter pump with a 0.5 hp solar booster plus controller and chlorinator in summer this could easily using up to 20KWh per day (in winter you could halve this figure as a rough guide). Less drop this to 10w (18KWh if run for 10 hours) to ere on the side of being more conservative for the below calculations.

 This will depend on your energy plan (numbers easily available in your monthly bill). In Australia, all new houses are installed with a smart meter and the days of having an old meter (which gives you a huge advantage of a fixed rate across the day because energy companies can’t see per hour usage) are disappearing as energy companies continue their push to swap out these with smart meters.

 In NSW, having a smart meter forces you into one of two types of plans, either Time of Use (where you have peak, off peak, shoulder tariffs across the day) or Demand (where you have a fixed rate across the day but are charged a demand charge which essentially penalizes you for having high usage in peak period. an explanation on this is beyond this article but sufficient to say it likely won’t be in your interest to be on this type of plan if you are a high energy user during peak times …. ie if you are running a pool at the wrong time of day, cooking with an electric oven/stove, got kids gaming and use air conditioning in Summer in the magic 2-8 hour window, this is definitely not the plan for you)

 If you run your pool pump at the wrong time of day then you could be costing you hundreds of dollars a month. Many TOU (Time of Use) peak charges are 60c now per KWh and peak normally runs from 2-8pm. Based on recent AGL TOU rates as of Jan 2024 (rounded to nearest cent). If you were to run your solar pump for this full 6 hour window (10w x 6 hours =. 8KWh @ 60c = $48 then if you where to run the remaining 4 hours in Shoulder = 10w x 4 = 2KWh x 31c = $ Add these together and multiply by a 31 day month = $270 over summer!!. Alot of money just for one appliance!

 If you are smart enough to run your pump only during offpeak (at night normally between 10p and 7am) then this will cost 10 x 10w x 23c = $13 per day (or 128 Dollars over the month).

 Unfortunately, Australian Electricity prices have pretty much doubled in recent years so these excessive costs are a relatively recent phenomena. So without solar no matter how you time your pumps, your pool is easily using $1-2,000 dollars a year by itself.

Pool Builder

 One might think, I just won’t run my pumps or reduce the time they run. This is great until your kids get sick as you are not actively circulating and sanitising the water.

 Run these pumps in a 10 hour window over the course of sunny day means your pumps are being driven by the solar and not the grid and therefore not costing you money. Don’t get me started on over selling of Solar systems to say you will never pull from the grid however, many sales people will tell you you won’t have a bill however this is a straight out lie as all you need is some cloudy or rainy days (clouds do exist on most days) and your system won’t be generating enough continuously to cover your electricity requirements unless you have a battery (but in saying this, your solar does still generate some power and its better no generation).

 Generally you will see Solar ramping up from about 7am in Summer and ramping down after 5pm. Since your system won’t be hitting maximum capacity at the start and end of day, you are best to run your system in the middle of your solar generation window (middle of the day).

 It is highly likely a 6KWh system won’t cut it. Unless you are someone who runs very little in your house (in summer a large air conditioning can consume much of a solar systems output) you will want a bigger system. You will likely want to run a 8-13KWh system but you are best to talk with your local solar supplier on the correct size.

 Many modern pool owners are looking to upgrade their outdated swimming pools to the new smart pool, a tool which technologically advances your pool so that it can keep up with your busy lifestyle and work for you. Through a system that is easily accessible from anywhere via your mobile device, smart pools provide some relief to the time and monetary efforts pool owners must put in to maintain a pool. Find out more about what makes a pool “smart” and how your pool can be updated to fit the modern lifestyle in this article.

 A smart pool (also often referred to as an intelligent pool, clever pool, or future pool) simplifies the normal tasks of maintaining a pool by grouping together maintenance features so that they can be easily accessed from a device of your choice. These features can be accessed from your everyday laptop, smartphone, or tablet, so no new device is necessary. This means that pool maintenance can take place anywhere in or away from your home, freeing your personal schedule from the need to stick to your pool’s maintenance schedule. This groundbreaking technology takes the effort out of pool ownership so that rather than worrying about the technicalities of maintenance, you can enjoy your time in the sun.

 While many new pools are being built with smart technology to simplify the maintenance process, adding smart technology to an older pool is still possible for those who are interested. Pool owners who are looking to add some intelligence to their current pool can contact a professional pool builder who should be able to walk you through the process of updating an old system to include smart technology. This small step will help save pool owners hours of wasted time, and thankfully, this process is now cheaper than ever before. Smart pools are becoming more and more common as pool owners are choosing to invest in their own time, driving down the price to make your investment even more affordable.

 Your pool pump maintains the space by ensuring a constant circulation of water, meaning that the pool’s chemicals are reaching every dark crevice of your pool and keeping bacteria from spreading. Because of the expense of running a pool pump, many owners choose not to constantly run the pump, and this selective usage can lead to unclean water in the pool. However, smart pool technology can maintain pump usage in a manner that saves both energy and dollars while keeping your pool in pristine condition. This advantage alone can lead to a huge cost savings without ever having to sacrifice the cleanliness of your pool.

 Whereas outdated pool heating systems require that temperature be changed manually, smart pools simplify this task by making it easy to alter your pool’s temperature from anywhere your phone or laptop can go. This means that you can easily alter the temperature while on the go and come home to the perfect water temperature.

 For those more interested in cost savings than convenience, this feature also makes it easy to save energy while away from home, reducing your energy bill by allowing you to temporarily shut off the pool heating system with just a few clicks without giving up the convenience of coming home to a temperate pool.

 The LED lights installed within your pool can also be altered from your device. Having such easy access to your pool’s lights means having the ability to easily prep your pool for a late night swim, as well as creating the perfect ambience for any backyard pool party or late night hangout. Of course, this also means that should you ever forget to switch off the lights before leaving your house, you can easily remedy your mistake with just the click of a button.

 One of the greatest advantages of owning a smart pool is the ease of maintenance, especially regarding the chemicals you trust to keep your pool clean and healthy. While checking the pool’s pH balance can be tricky and monotonous, smart pool technology eliminates the stress involved in the job. Smart salt chlorinators always add the perfect amount of chlorine to keep your pH level perfect and your mind free of worry.

 Perhaps the greatest advantage of investing in a smart pool is the hassle-free cleaning process. Pool cleaning takes up quite a lot of time and can turn into difficult, backbreaking work if you don’t stay on top of it. A smart cleaning system takes this task on all by itself, clearing your pool of any dirt and buildup while ensuring water circulation to every nook and cranny so as to prevent bacteria from plaguing your water and maintain even temperature throughout the entire pool. As with the other features, pool cleaning and maintenance can be scheduled and started at any time through your personal device, meaning that your pool can always be ready for an unexpected dip or gathering of friends. You can choose the time of day which works best for your schedule for a clean pool at every moment.

 Now that you have read through the many features offered by smart pools, you have the necessary knowledge to choose what aspects are most important to you to create the most high-quality smart pool experience possible. A good smart pool system will have a management system that can be operated via iOS or Android, rather than just one or the other, so that your pool stays smart regardless of your future decisions regarding technology and can grow with you.

 For the especially technologically savvy pool owner, some systems have the ability to sync with voice-activated smart systems, such as Amazon Echo, so that your entire home can be smartly connected and easily manipulated by voice command.

 When choosing a pool company to install your new smart pool, know that a reputable company should offer upgrades to your smart pool as technological advances take place, making your investment consistently relevant over the years. They should be prepared to answer your questions and help you make the best possible decision for your lifestyle as you navigate the wonderful world of smart pools.

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